I recieved some sad news from my baby sister and her husband. That has been having my head turn, just thinking about her. Hoping she is finding comfort and doing okay. I hate not being close to her, when she got so much going on in her life... i know Chris is there and doing everything he can, to make her smile..but somethings you just need your sisters <3
Michael lost his job after four long years. I've been more worried about him, bc he honestly LOVED that job and the people he worked with. I know he hates not being the one who makes money, he takes pride in that, and is actually pretty grumpy when hes not working. I reminded him too, of last time he lost his job :( he swore that wasnt happening again. LOL When he gave me the news, he immediatly came up to Nachos and got drunk. And sad, then drunk again. This past weekend, we relaxed with Ryan and Allie for her birthday celebration... and got our minds off our life problems, for a few days atleast. It was fun while it lasted, but guess what Monday showed up and all our problems were still waiting for us.
I had to make a "grown up" decision. I am no longer going to Miami with all the other bridesmaids :( Its been running in my mind whether to go or not since the news Taylor gave me. I have only been promising my babysister i'd come to Utah to visit her only for uhhh... SINCE she started college! Now she has a house, husband, new job and car.. and i still havn't made it over there!! So i thought if i am going to go ANYWHERE, it NEEDS to be to see her... especially now! And once Michael lost his job, it was kinda like confirmation. I cant afford it, even though i NEED a vacation...its just not in my means for awhile :(

Today everything has hit me, i am freaking out about $$$. Work has been so slow lately...phones off, not a priority right now until after rent is paid. I am hoping to God, we get busy at work the next few days while i am on the clock, or at least a fat tipper walks in and sits at my bar!!!
Until next time...
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